
标题: SVN needs-lock 设置强制只读属性(官方资料) [打印本页]

作者: 清泛网    时间: 2016-02-24 14:27
标题: SVN needs-lock 设置强制只读属性(官方资料)

Automatic lock-modify-unlock

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Different versions of binary files cannot be merged. Therefore versioning of binary files should follow the lock-modify-unlock model[1]. This setup uses the following three measures

forces users to use property svn:needs-lock on newly added binary files. Denies commits when the property is not available

sets the svn:needs-lock property on all already existing binary files in repositories

configures users to automatically set property svn:needs-lock on newly added binary files

1) - create a pre-commit.cmd script in the repository\hooks directory. This script verifies that property svn:needs-lock is set on binary files and denies the commit if the property is not available (Windows only):

  1. @echo off

  2. set REPOS=%1

  3. set TRANSACTION=%2

  4. set SVNLOOK="c:\Program Files\Subversion\apache2.2\bin\svnlook.exe"

  5. set TEMP=c:\temp
  6. if exist %TEMP%\tempfile%2 del %TEMP%\tempfile%2

  7. for /f "tokens=1,2 usebackq" %%i in (`%SVNLOOK% changed -t %2 %1`) do @if %%i==A @echo %%j >> %TEMP%\tempfile%2

  8. if not exist %TEMP%\tempfile%2 goto NOFILESADDED

  9. for /f "usebackq" %%i in (`findstr /E /I /R "\.bmp.$ \.gif.$ \.ico.$ \.jpeg.$ \.jpg.$ \.png.$ \.tif.$ \.tiff.$ \.doc.$ \.jar.$ \.odt.$ \.pdf.$ \.ppt.$ \.swf.$ \.vsd.$ \.xls.$ \.zip.[        DISCUZ_CODE_0        ]quot; %TEMP%\tempfile%2`) do (

  10. %SVNLOOK% propget -t %2 %1 svn:needs-lock %%i 1> nul 2> nul

  11. if ERRORLEVEL 1 (

  12. echo commit denied, binary files must have property svn:needs-lock >&2

  13. type %TEMP%\tempfile%2 >&2

  14. del %TEMP%\tempfile%2

  15. EXIT /B 1

  16. )

  17. )

  18. del %TEMP%\tempfile%2


  20. EXIT /B 0

As an alternative, this modification to the script above handles long filenames and by default is setup to work with a VisualSVN Server installation.

  1. set REPOS=%1

  2. set TRANSACTION=%2

  3. set SVNLOOK=c:\Progra~1\Visual~1\bin\svnlook.exe

  4. set TEMP=c:\Progra~1\Visual~1
  5. if exist %TEMP%\tempfile%2 del %TEMP%\tempfile%2
  6. REM Identify all property updates and added files in current transaction and print them to tempfile

  7. for /f "tokens=1,* usebackq" %%i in (`%SVNLOOK% changed -t %2 %1`) do @if %%i==A @echo %%j>> %TEMP%\tempfile%2

  8. for /f "tokens=1,* usebackq" %%i in (`%SVNLOOK% changed -t %2 %1`) do @if %%i==_U @echo %%j>> %TEMP%\tempfile%2
  9. REM If no property updates or file additions occurred go to the end of the script

  10. if not exist %TEMP%\tempfile%2 goto NOFILESADDED
  11. REM For each file with these extensions listed in the tempfile check that it has the needs-lock property set

  12. for /f "tokens=* usebackq" %%i in (`findstr /E /I /R "\.bmp \.gif \.ico \.jpeg \.jpg \.png \.tif \.tiff \.doc \.jar \.odt \.pdf \.ppt \.swf \.vsd \.xls \.zip" %TEMP%\tempfile%2`) do (

  13. REM echo "%SVNLOOK% propget -t %2 %1 svn:needs-lock "%%i" 1> nul 2> nul" 1>&2

  14. %SVNLOOK% propget -t %2 %1 svn:needs-lock "%%i" 1>&2
  15. REM If the property wasn't set

  16. if ERRORLEVEL 1 (

  17. REM Display a helpful error message to the user

  18. echo commit denied, binary files must have property svn:needs-lock >&2

  19. type %TEMP%\tempfile%2 >&2

  20. del %TEMP%\tempfile%2

  21. EXIT /B 1

  22. )

  23. )
  24. del %TEMP%\tempfile%2


  26. EXIT /B 0

2) Recursively set svn:needs-lock property on binaries

If you need to apply svn:needs-lock on already existing binaries in a repository, do the following on a client (not on the svn server): - checkout a repository - add to following line to a cmd script (Windows only):

  1. FOR /R c:\full\path\to\repository %%v in (*.bmp *.gif *.ico *.jpeg *.jpg *.png *.tif *.tiff *.doc *.jar *.odc *.odf *.odg *.odi *.odp *.ods *.odt *.pdf *.ppt *.ser *.swf *.vsd *.xls *.zip) do svn propset svn:needs-lock yes %%~fv

- run the script

3) Configure users to automatically use svn:needs-lock property on new binary files

New binary files should have the svn:needs-lock property set, this is verified by the script of step 1. This can be achieved automatically if users configure their svn client config file.

- under windows the SVN config file is "C:\Documents and Settings\[USER_NAME]\Application Data\Subversion\config"

Replace or merge the [miscellany] and [auto-props] sections in the svn config file with the following:

  1. [miscellany]

  2. enable-auto-props = yes
  3. [auto-props]

  4. ### The format of the entries is:

  5. ###   file-name-pattern = propname[=value][;propname[=value]...]

  6. ### The file-name-pattern can contain wildcards (such as '*' and

  7. ### '?').  All entries which match will be applied to the file.

  8. ### Note that auto-props functionality must be enabled, which

  9. ### is typically done by setting the 'enable-auto-props' option.

  10. *.bmp = svn:mime-type=image/bmp;svn:needs-lock=*

  11. *.gif = svn:mime-type=image/gif;svn:needs-lock=*

  12. *.ico = svn:mime-type=image/x-icon;svn:needs-lock=*

  13. *.jpeg = svn:mime-type=image/jpeg;svn:needs-lock=*

  14. *.jpg = svn:mime-type=image/jpeg;svn:needs-lock=*

  15. *.png = svn:mime-type=image/png;svn:needs-lock=*

  16. *.tif = svn:mime-type=image/tiff;svn:needs-lock=*

  17. *.tiff = svn:mime-type=image/tiff;svn:needs-lock=*
  18. *.doc = svn:mime-type=application/msword;svn:needs-lock=*

  19. *.jar = svn:mime-type=application/octet-stream;svn:needs-lock=*

  20. *.odc = svn:mime-type=application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart;svn:needs-lock=*

  21. *.odf = svn:mime-type=application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula;svn:needs-lock=*

  22. *.odg = svn:mime-type=application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics;svn:needs-lock=*

  23. *.odi = svn:mime-type=application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image;svn:needs-lock=*

  24. *.odp = svn:mime-type=application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation;svn:needs-lock=*

  25. *.ods = svn:mime-type=application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet;svn:needs-lock=*

  26. *.odt = svn:mime-type=application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text;svn:needs-lock=*

  27. *.pdf = svn:mime-type=application/pdf;svn:needs-lock=*

  28. *.ppt = svn:mime-type=application/vnd.ms-powerpoint;svn:needs-lock=*

  29. *.ser = svn:mime-type=application/octet-stream;svn:needs-lock=*

  30. *.swf = svn:mime-type=application/x-shockwave-flash;svn:needs-lock=*

  31. *.vsd = svn:mime-type=application/x-visio;svn:needs-lock=*

  32. *.xls = svn:mime-type=application/vnd.ms-excel;svn:needs-lock=*

  33. *.zip = svn:mime-type=application/zip;svn:needs-lock=*

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